Nutritional and Clinical Glycomics Research

Category: Publications (Page 1 of 3)

2015 Publications

Dallas, D.C., A. Guerrero, E.A. Parker, R.C. Robinson, J. Gan, J.B. German, D. Barile, and C.B. Lebrilla, Current peptidomics- Applications, purification, identification, quantification, and functional analysis. Proteomics, 2015. 15(5-6): p. 1026-38.

Dallas, D.C., C.J. Smink, R.C. Robinson, T. Tian, A. Guerrero, E.A. Parker, J.T. Smilowitz, K.A. Hettinga, M.A. Underwood, C.B. Lebrilla, J.B. German, and D. Barile, Endogenous Human Milk Peptide Release Is Greater after Preterm Birth than Term Birth. J Nutr, 2015. 145(3): p. 425-33.

De Leoz, M.L., K.M. Kalanetra, N.A. Bokulich, J.S. Strum, M.A. Underwood, J.B. German, D.A. Mills, and C.B. Lebrilla, Human Milk Glycomics and Gut Microbial Genomics in Infant Feces Show a Correlation between Human Milk Oligosaccharides and Gut Microbiota- A Proof-of-Concept Study. J Proteome Res, 2015. 14(1): p. 491-502.

Guerrero, A., D.C. Dallas, S. Contreras, A. Bhandari, A. Canovas, A. Islas-Trejo, J.F. Medrano, E.A. Parker, M. Wang, K. Hettinga, S. Chee, J.B. German, D. Barile, and C.B. Lebrilla, Peptidomic analysis of healthy and subclinically mastitic bovine milk. Int Dairy J, 2015. 46: p. 46-52.

Guerrero, A., L. Lerno, D. Barile, and C.B. Lebrilla, Top-Down Analysis of Highly Post-Translationally Modified Peptides by Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom, 2015. 26(3): p. 453-9.

Hong, Q., L.R. Ruhaak, C. Stroble, E. Parker, J. Huang, E. Maverakis, and C.B. Lebrilla, A Method for Comprehensive Glycosite-Mapping and Direct Quantitation of Serum Glycoproteins. J Proteome Res, 2015.

Huang, J., A. Guerrero, E. Parker, J.S. Strum, J.T. Smilowitz, J.B. German, and C.B. Lebrilla, Site-specific Glycosylation of Secretory Immunoglobulin A from Human Colostrum.  J Proteome Res, 2015. 14(3): p. 1335-49.

Krishnan, S., J. Huang, H. Lee, A. Guerrero, L. Berglund, A. Erdembileg, C.B. Lebrilla, and A.M. Zivkovic, Combined HDL proteomic and glycomic profiles in patients at risk for coronary artery disease.. J Proteome Res, 2015.

Lewis, Z.T., S.M. Totten, J.T. Smilowitz, M. Popovic, E. Parker, D.G. Lemay, M.L. Van Tassell, M.J. Miller, Y.S. Jin, J.B. German, C.B. Lebrilla, and D.A. Mills, Maternal fucosyltransferase 2 status affects the gut bifidobacterial communities of breastfed infants.. Microbiome, 2015. 3: p. 13.

Maverakis, E., K. Kim, M. Shimoda, M.E. Gershwin, F. Patel, R. Wilken, S. Raychaudhuri, L.R. Ruhaak, and C.B. Lebrilla, Glycans in the immune system and The Altered Glycan Theory of Autoimmunity- A critical review. J Autoimmun, 2015. 57: p. 1-13.
Mechref, Y. and C. Lebrilla, 30th ASMS Asilomar Conference on Advances in Glycomics and Glycoproteomics: Methods and Applications. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom, 2015. 26(7): p. 1047-50.

Park, D., K.A. Brune, A. Mitra, A.I. Marusina, E. Maverakis, and C.B. Lebrilla, Characteristic changes in cell surface glycosylation accompany intestinal epithelial cell differentiation: high mannose structures dominate the cell surface glycome of undifferentiated enterocytes. Mol Cell Proteomics, 2015.

Ruhaak, L.R., D.A. Barkauskas, J. Torres, C.L. Cooke, L.D. Wu, C. Stroble, S. Ozcan, C.C. Williams, M. Camorlinga, D.M. Rocke, C.B. Lebrilla, and J.V. Solnick,The serum immunoglobulin G glycosylation signature of gastric cancer EuPA Open Proteom, 2015. 6: p. 1-9.

Ruhaak, L.R. and C.B. Lebrilla, Applications of Multiple Reaction Monitoring to Clinical Glycomics, 2015. 78(5-6): p. 335-342.

Ruhaak, L.R., S.L. Taylor, C. Stroble, U.T. Nguyen, E.A. Parker, T. Song, C.B. Lebrilla, W.N. Rom, H. Pass, K. Kim, K. Kelly, and S. Miyamoto, Differential N-glycosylation patterns in lung adenocarcinoma tissue. J Proteome Res, 2015.

Song, T., D.L. Aldredge, and C.B. Lebrilla, A method for in-depth structural annotation of human serum glycans yields the biological variations. Anal Chem, 2015.

Underwood, M.A., J.B. German, C.B. Lebrilla, and D.A. Mills, Bifidobacterium longum subspecies infantis: champion colonizer of the infant gut. Pediatr Res, 2015. 77(1-2): p. 229-35.

Wang, M., M. Li, S. Wu, C.B. Lebrilla, R.S. Chapkin, I. Ivanov, and S.M. Donovan, Fecal microbiota composition of breast-fed infants is correlated with human milk oligosaccharides consumed.. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 2015. 60(6): p. 825-33.

2014 Publications

Dallas, D.C., A. Guerrero, N. Khaldi, R. Borghese, A. Bhandari, M.A. Underwood, C.B. Lebrilla, J.B. German, and D. Barile, A Peptidomic Analysis of Human Milk Digestion in the Infant Stomach Reveals Protein-Specific Degradation Patterns. J Nutr, 2014.

Dallas, D.C., A. Guerrero, E.A. Parker, R.C. Robinson, J. Gan, J.B. German, D. Barile, and C.B. Lebrilla, Current peptidomics- Applications, purification, identification, quantification, and functional analysis. Proteomics, 2014.

Dallas, D.C., V. Weinborn, J.M. de Moura Bell, M. Wang, E.A. Parker, A. Guerrero, K.A. Hettinga, C.B. Lebrilla, J.B. German, and D. Barile, Comprehensive peptidomic and glycomic evaluation reveals that sweet whey permeate from colostrum is a source of milk protein-derived peptides and oligosaccharides Food Res Int, 2014. 63(Pt B): p. 203-209.

Dallas, D.C., C.J. Smink, R.C. Robinson, T. Tian, A. Guerrero, E.A. Parker, J.T. Smilowitz, K.A. Hettinga, M.A. Underwood, C.B. Lebrilla, J.B. German, and D. Barile, Endogenous Human Milk Peptide Release Is Greater after Preterm Birth than Term Birth.. J Nutr, 2014.

De Leoz, M.L., K.M. Kalanetra, N.A. Bokulich, J.S. Strum, M.A. Underwood, J.B. German, D.A. Mills, and C.B. Lebrilla, Human Milk Glycomics and Gut Microbial Genomics in Infant Feces Show a Correlation between Human Milk Oligosaccharides and Gut Microbiota- A Proof-of-Concept StudyJ Proteome Res, 2014.

Guerrero, A., D.C. Dallas, S. Contreras, S. Chee, E.A. Parker, X. Sun, L. Dimapasoc, D. Barile, J.B. German, and C.B. Lebrilla, Mechanistic peptidomics- factors that dictate specificity in the formation of endogenous peptides in human milk. Mol Cell Proteomics, 2014. 13(12): p. 3343-51.

Guerrero, A., L. Lerno, D. Barile, and C.B. Lebrilla, Top-Down Analysis of Highly Post-Translationally Modified Peptides by Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry J Am Soc Mass Spectrom, 2014.

Holton, T.A., V. Vijayakumar, D.C. Dallas, A. Guerrero, R.A. Borghese, C.B. Lebrilla, J.B. German, D. Barile, M.A. Underwood, D.C. Shields, and N. Khaldi, Following the digestion of milk proteins from mother to baby J Proteome Res, 2014. 13(12): p. 5777-83.

Kailemia, M.K., L.R. Ruhaak, C.B. Lebrilla, and I.J. Amster,Oligosaccharide Analysis by Mass Spectrometry- A Review of Recent Developments.: A Review Of Recent Developments. Anal Chem, 2013.

Khaldi, N., V. Vijayakumar, D.C. Dallas, A. Guerrero, S. Wickramasinghe, J.T. Smilowitz, J.F. Medrano, C.B. Lebrilla, D.C. Shields, and J.B. German, Predicting the important enzyme players in human breast milk digestion. J Agric Food Chem, 2014.

Kim, K., L.R. Ruhaak, U.T. Nguyen, S.L. Taylor, L. Dimapasoc, C. Williams, C. Stroble, S. Ozcan, S. Miyamoto, C.B. Lebrilla, and G.S. Leiserowitz, Evaluation of Glycomic Profiling as a Diagnostic Biomarker for Epithelial Ovarian Cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 2014.

Hong, Q., L.R. Ruhaak, S.M. Totten, J.T. Smilowitz, J.B. German, and C.B. Lebrilla, Label Free Absolute Quantitation of Oligosaccharides using Multiple Reaction Monitoring., 2014.

Hua, S., M. Saunders, L.M. Dimapasoc, S.H. Jeong, B.J. Kim, S. Kim, M. So, K.S. Lee, J.H. Kim, K.S. Lam, C.B. Lebrilla, and H.J. An, Differentiation of Cancer Cell Origin and Molecular Subtype by Plasma Membrane N-Glycan Profiling.. J Proteome Res, 2013.

Huang, J., H. Lee, A.M. Zivkovic, J.T. Smilowitz, N. Rivera, J.B. German, and C.B. Lebrilla, Glycomic Analysis of High Density Lipoprotein Shows a Highly Sialylated Particle J Proteome Res, 2014.

Mehra, R., D. Barile, M. Marotta, C.B. Lebrilla, C. Chu, and J.B. German, Novel high-molecular weight fucosylated milk oligosaccharides identified in dairy streams. PLoS One, 2014. 9(5): p. e96040.

Ozcan, S., B.J. Kim, G. Ro, J.H. Kim, T.L. Bereuter, C. Reiter, L. Dimapasoc, D. Garrido, D.A. Mills, R. Grimm, C.B. Lebrilla, and H.J. An, Glycosylated proteins preserved over millennia- N-glycan analysis of Tyrolean Iceman, Scythian Princess and Warrior.. Sci Rep, 2014. 4: p. 4963.

Ozcan, S., D.A. Barkauskas, L. Renee Ruhaak, J. Torres, C.L. Cooke, H.J. An, S. Hua, C.C. Williams, L.M. Dimapasoc, J. Han Kim, M. Camorlinga-Ponce, D. Rocke, C.B. Lebrilla, and J.V. Solnick, Serum glycan signatures of gastric cancer.. Cancer Prev Res (Phila), 2014. 7(2): p. 226-35.

Ruhaak, L.R., C. Stroble, M.A. Underwood, and C.B. Lebrilla, Detection of milk oligosaccharides in plasma of infants.. Anal Bioanal Chem, 2014.

Smilowitz, J.T., C.B. Lebrilla, D.A. Mills, J.B. German, and S.L. Freeman, Breast Milk Oligosaccharides- Structure-Function Relationships in the Neonate. Annu Rev Nutr, 2013.

Song, T., S. Ozcan, A. Becker, and C.B. Lebrilla, In-Depth Method for the Characterization of Glycosylation in Manufactured Recombinant Monoclonal Antibody Drugs. Anal Chem, 2014.

Totten, S.M., L.D. Wu, E.A. Parker, J.C. Davis, S. Hua, C. Stroble, L.R. Ruhaak, J.T. Smilowitz, J.B. German, and C.B. Lebrilla, Rapid-throughput glycomics applied to human milk oligosaccharide profiling for large human studies. Anal Bioanal Chem, 2014. 406(30): p. 7925-35.

Underwood, M.A., K.M. Kalanetra, N.A. Bokulich, M. Mirmiran, D. Barile, D.J. Tancredi, J.B. German, C.B. Lebrilla, and D.A. Mills, Prebiotic Oligosaccharides In Premature Infants, 2014. 58(3): p. 352-60.

1997 Publications

Green, M.K. and C.B. Lebrilla, Ion-molecule reactions as probes of gas-phase structures of peptides and proteins. Mass Spectrom Rev, 1997. 16(2): p. 53-71.

Hu, H., S.G. Penn, C.B. Lebrilla, and P.H. Brown, Isolation and characterization of soluble boron complexes in higher plants. The mechanism of phloem mobility of boron.. The mechanism of phloem mobility of boron. Plant Physiol, 1997. 113(2): p. 649-55.

Penn, S.G., H. Hu, P.H. Brown, and C.B. Lebrilla, Direct analysis of sugar alcohol borate complexes in plant extracts by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization fourier transform mass spectrometry.. Anal Chem, 1997. 69(13): p. 2471-7.

Tseng, K., L.L. Lindsay, S. Penn, J.L. Hedrick, and C.B. Lebrilla, Characterization of neutral oligosaccharide-alditols from Xenopus laevis egg jelly coats by matrix-assisted laser desorption Fourier transform mass spectrometry.. Anal Biochem, 1997. 250(1): p. 18-28.

Wisner, E.R., K.L. Aho-Sharon, M.J. Bennett, S.G. Penn, C.B. Lebrilla, and M.H. Nantz, A modular lymphographic magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent- contrast enhancement with DNA transfection potential.. J Med Chem, 1997. 40(25): p. 3992-6.

1996 Publications

Carroll, J.A., S.G. Penn, S.T. Fannin, J. Wu, M.T. Cancilla, M.K. Green, and C.B. Lebrilla, A dual vacuum chamber fourier transform mass spectrometer with rapidly interchangeable LSIMS, MALDI, and ESI sources- initial results with LSIMS and MALDI.. Anal Chem, 1996. 68(10): p. 1798-804.

Franklin, M.A., S.G. Penn, C.B. Lebrilla, T.H. Lam, I.N. Pessah, and T.F. Molinski, Bastadin 20 and Bastadin O-Sulfate Esters from Ianthella basta-  Novel Modulators of the Ry1R FKBP12 Receptor Complex. J Nat Prod, 1996. 59(12): p. 1121-7.

Penn, S.G., M.T. Cancilla, and C.B. Lebrilla, Collision-induced dissociation of branched oligosaccharide ions with analysis and calculation of relative dissociation thresholds.. Anal Chem, 1996. 68(14): p. 2331-9.

Wu, J., C. Chen, M.J. Kurth, and C.B. Lebrilla, Mass spectrometric analyses of beta-ketolactone oligomers, macrocyclic or catenane structures Anal Chem, 1996. 68(1): p. 38-45.

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